Well, I finally decided to fix up my S540FMTP. I sanded the finish off the back of the neck and tungoiled it. I used 80, 100, 220, 320, 400, 1500, 2000, 3600 and 6000 grit paper and micro mesh. I also used some 0000 steel wool. I rolled the binding a little more too.
Some pics..
While I was at it I cleaned up the rosewood with 2000 grit and steel wool.
I then scrub it with a dry tootbrush. After that I broke out some murphy's oil soap.
I also leveled three high frets. I used 320,400, and 1500.
Next I polished and leveled frets with 2000 and 3600.
After that I polished all the frets with 3600 and 6000. I finished up with some bore oil.
I took the trem out to check the knife edges and to cleanup the trem and route.
I also figured I might as well clean up the tuners while they were out.
Since I was going to all this trouble I thought....
I might as well put some pickups in that go better with the tonezone that I had already put in the bridge.
I chose An Air Norton and a Fast Track 1.
I bolted it all together and did some cleanup.
Still gotta tweak a couple things, but I'm almost finished.
I hope you aren't on dialup.
As a point of referance, here is a pic of the back of neck before I refinished it. See the worn out spot around the 5th and 7th fret positions? I bought this guitar used. The person who had it before had acid sweat or something. Oddly enough it didn't destroy the cosmo hardware.
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